Our 5th annual conference brought greater health and wellness to all. We brought speakers from across the nation to share their knowledge experience, and energy with the Inland Empire. As the conference has grown, our region is able to share with communities across the country the dynamic, successful, and proven strategies we’ve learned.
During last years conference we focused on workshops to enlighten and inspire innovative approaches to health and wellness. We weren’t here to highlight social problems, but instead to focus on solutions, ideas, and policies that have a record of success in creating safer and healthier communities. The practices were directed toward increasing and achieving long-term benefits -direct and indirect-in our homes, community, state, and nation.
We are all pieces to the solution, and attendees left with the necessary tools and contacts to change the world.

Trudy Raymundo
Director, San Bernardino County
Public Health
Trudy Raymundo has proudly served the County of San Bernardino since 1990. In that time she has brought her skills and expertise in program and fiscal policy to several key positions. Since her start with Public Health in 1997, she has provided program and fiscal oversight across various functions, including Child and Family Health and Ryan White services. Raymundo served as the primary healthcare analyst at the County Administrative Office, ensuring the fiscal health of the three healthcare Departments, including Public Health, Behavioral Health and Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. Raymundo was appointed as Public Health Director in 2012. She currently Chairs the San Bernardino County, Reentry Collaborative, and in conjunction with the County’s Probation department and a diverse set of county stakeholders, helped to develop a countywide strategic plan to address the needs of the recently incarcerated and address strategies for successful reintegration of the recently incarcerated into the communities within the county

Jay E. Orr
CEO, Riverside County Public
Jay E. Orr was appointed the CEO of the County of Riverside, California, on April 1, 2012 by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Orr began his service with the County of Riverside in 1987 and practiced law with the Office of the Riverside County Public Defender.
As CEO of the County of Riverside, Orr leads a team of 20,000 dedicated public servants and oversees an annual operating budget of $5 billion dollars. As CEO he is tasked with implementation of polices set forth by the five members of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors.
A graduate of University of California at Santa Barbara he holds a Bachelor Degree and a Jurist Doctorate Degree from Ventura College of Law.

Bob Doyle
Director, The Colorado Tobacco
Education and Prevention Alliance
Bob Doyle has worked in tobacco prevention for twenty years. His first eight were spent in California. Since then, he has worked with tobacco control programs in Colorado, Ohio, and Maryland with a record of accomplishment and success in programming, community education, media advocacy, and public policy. He is currently the Executive Director of the Colorado Tobacco Education and Prevention Alliance, a statewide non-profit working on tobacco and marijuana use. He is also the Chair of the Colorado SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) Coalition, a statewide collation working to educate the public, and eventually remove marijuana legalization/commercialization from Colorado.

John M. Clymer
Executive Director, National Forum
for Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention
John Clymer is the Executive Director for the National Forum for Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention. He is a recognized health policy and systems thought leader whose counsel and hands-on leadership have helped organizations and companies sharpen their focus and increase their impact on health at the global, national, state and local levels. He is part of the leadership team at the Alliance to Make US Healthiest which has developed HealthLead™, the first accreditation for healthy workplaces. Additionally, he is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Loma Linda University School of Public Health, and he has been a guest lecturer at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health since 2004. Under Clymer’s leadership as President from 2001-2008, Partnership for Prevention won passage of landmark Medicare legislation developed a health reform framework on which Barack Obama based his prevention and public health agenda; formed the Leading by Example CEO Roundtable which was recognized in Harvard Business Review’s “Breakthrough Ideas” in 2006; and, with former U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher, established the National Commission on Prevention Priorities. Clymer serves on the U.S. Community Preventive Services Task Force, and has served on the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Chronic Disease and Malnutrition, and several advisory boards. He has testified before various legislatures, given numerous Congressional briefings, and appeared on NBC Nightly News, Fox News, CNBC, public radio, and in print media such as The New York Times.

Diane Riibe
Chair, US Alcohol Policy Alliance
Diane Riibe recently transitioned from her position as executive director at Project Extra Mile, a statewide network of coalitions and community partnerships in Nebraska working to preventing underage drinking and youth access to alcohol, where she brought her vision to the organization since its inception in 1995. Her experience includes guiding local and state-level alcohol policy efforts; encouraging community/enforcement partnerships to support heightened enforcement of youth alcohol laws; building coalitions and community organizing around environmental, evidence-based strategies; planning media advocacy strategies; and engaging youth leaders.
Diane provides training and technical assistance to communities across the country to reduce the public health harm from underage drinking and binge drinking, including her involvement for more than a decade as a national consultant and trainer for the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center at PIRE. Diane has most recently presented at the Global Alcohol Policy Conference in Seoul, South Korea in 2013 and at a gathering of the Pan American Health Organization in 2012.
Diane also served as a member of the EU/US Civil Society Dialogue on Underage Drinking and a national board member of MADD as Vice President of Public Policy.

Kory Minor
NFL Veteran, Kory Minor
Kory was born on December 14, 1976 in Inglewood, California and grew up in a single parent household, raised by his mother, Kim. He was dedicated and worked hard in the classroom and on the gridiron honing his talents in high school. In his senior year, Kory was named the USA Today Defensive Player of the Year – college tuition was no longer an issue.
Despite having plenty of options, there was no doubt Kory was headed to Notre Dame, where he started for Coach Lou Holtz as a freshman. Kory was a 4-year star defensive player and team captain. Kory is second All-Time in tackles for loss, with 43.5.
Kory’s time in the NFL was just a means of survival until he was ready to live his second dream of becoming an Entrepreneur. When Kory tells the story, he says, “God gave me those 4 years in the NFL because I was not sure as of yet which direction I really wanted to go.” During the off-season, Kory didn’t kick back and relax; instead, he was busy with business internships. He gave up a guaranteed comfortable lifestyle to follow his dream of realizing that football had become a job and the fun that once ruled his heart was no longer present. He took the leap.