Trudy Raymundo
Director, San Bernardino County Public Health
Trudy Raymundo has proudly served the County of San Bernardino since 1990. In that time she has brought her skills and expertise in program and fiscal policy to several key positions. Since her start with Public Health in 1997, she has provided program and fiscal oversight across various functions, including Child and Family Health and Ryan White services. Raymundo served as the primary healthcare analyst at the County Administrative Office, ensuring the fiscal health of the three healthcare Departments, including Public Health, Behavioral Health and Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. Raymundo was appointed as Public Health Director in 2012. She currently Chairs the San Bernardino County, Reentry Collaborative, and in conjunction with the County’s Probation department and a diverse set of county stakeholders, helped to develop a countywide strategic plan to address the needs of the recently incarcerated and address strategies for successful reintegration of the recently incarcerated into the communities within the county.

Sarah Mack
Director, Riverside University Health System - Public Health
Sarah Mack is the Director of the Riverside University Health System – Public Health (Riverside County Department of Public Health). She has been with the Riverside County Department of Public Health since 2001. Ms. Mack has served as the Director since April 2017, was the Deputy Director for 12 years and before that was the County’s Chief of Epidemiology. As the Director, Ms. Mack oversees a staff of 650 with a combined budget of more than $100 million. Ms. Mack has been responsible for leading a number of programs including Epidemiology and Program Evaluation, Vital Records, Children’s Medical Services, Public Health Nursing, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health, Disease Control, Immunizations, and the Public Health Laboratory.
Ms. Mack has more than 30 years of experience working in Public Health at the local level for Public Health Departments in San Bernardino County, Cook County, IL, and Riverside County. She received her Bachelor of Science from UCLA and Masters in Public Health from the University of Michigan
Jamil Dada
California Workforce Development Board, Chairman of the Riverside County Workforce Advisory Board
As one of our distinguished community leaders, Jamil Dada wears many hats. He is the Vice-President of Investment Services for Provident Bank, Riverside County’s largest community bank. His two biggest priorities are our nation’s Workforce and its Military, and that work frequently takes him to Sacramento and Washington, DC where he is routinely at the table with key Congressional and Senate leaders, and also with the Department of Labor and Administration Officials. He also serves on several Boards and Commissions related to March Air Reserve Base, the nation’s oldest and largest military reserve base. He serves many roles at the Riverside Community College District, where he is a Past Chairman of the District’s Foundation. In May 2014, the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County unanimously renamed the county’s Annual Youth Award Ceremony the “Jamil Dada Character Excellence Youth Award Ceremony.” He and his wife Jonnie have two daughters and one grandson.

George Lamb
Millennium Man Consultants
Rev. George Lamb, CEO of Millennium Man Consultants, LLC; Founder/CEO of Millennium Man Ministries; and President and Chief Executive Officer of the Faith Advisory Council for Community Transformation (F.A.C.C.T.) and American Evangelical Christian Churches Director of Communications and Development. He is a Servant Leader to Community Based and Non-Profit organizations, county and state government agencies serving the Inland Southern California region county of San Bernardino in the following ways:
As a member of the Community Vital Signs Steering Committee, he serves as Chair of the Community Engagement Sub-Committee, Co-Chair of the Public Safety sub-committee and is a member of the Strategic Plan Implementation, Education, Economic Development and Nominations Select sub-committees. He also he serves on San Bernardino County’s Homeless Veteran’s Advisory Board and Taskforce; in addition to membership on the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Wellness Strategy Action Team and is privileged to have received recent appointment to the First 5 San Bernardino Advisory Board. He additionally has received recent appointments to the Inland Empire Fatherhood Coalition and San Bernardino County Drugs and Gangs Taskforce.

Vonda Viland
Principal of Black Rock High School
Producer of The Bad Kids, Documentary featured on Netflix
Vonda Viland has led the Morongo Unified School District’s alternative program for at-risk students for the past six years, working with students who have been disenfranchised from the traditional school system. Approximately 90% of her student body lives below the poverty level with many struggling to deal with issues no child should have to face, including abuse, neglect, parenthood, depression, anxiety, and addiction. Vonda and her staff and students were the subjects of the new Sundance award-winning documentary film The Bad Kids, which features her educational approach and offers viewers a practical model for how public education can address and combat the crippling effects of poverty in the lives of American schoolchildren. As a secondary English teacher for 16 years, Vonda received the Commitment to Excellence Award from the California Middle School Foundation and Partnership and was recognized as teacher of the year for the California League of Middle Schools Region 10. After earning her Master’s Degree in School Administration from California State University, she has worked as a site administrator at the elementary, secondary, and continuation levels.

Barry E. Knight
CEO and Founder,
Barry E Knight Speaks
Founder of Barry E. Knight Speaks, a leadership and success coaching company that helps leaders massively impact those they lead and serve. Prior to launching his company, Barry founded and pastored a church for 11 1/2 years. He is the author of the book, “Impactability: Your Call to Massively Impact the Kingdom of God.” In 2013, Barry graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and in 2015 he received a Master of Arts in Leadership, both from Faith Evangelical College and Seminary. He is also an Associate Certified Coach through International Coach Federation. As a business and spiritual leader, he has masterfully blended his experience into an electrifying and captivating speaking and coaching style that helps position leaders for extraordinary achievement. His services have been contracted by county governments, nonprofit and human service agencies, universities, school districts, churches, small and mid-sized companies, and motivated individuals to help them commit to strategies that help them experience massive impact in their personal and professional life. Barry has an impeccable ability to discern the needs of those he serves, and delivers life changing strategies that help individuals and organizations prosper and thrive.